Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Our Lab's Honor Code

1. Safety
Always remember that safety is job #1.

Okay, now that the Dilbert moment is over, really take a moment to think about how this laboratory is different from your prior experience. What you will find in the Exploratorium are truly professional-grade scientific and technical tools and truly commercial-grade materials and components that you can use to build real stuff and conduct genuine scientific research. These are not contrived pre-approved academic experimental setups with all the sharp corners sanded off. Carelessness can result in injury.

The soldering irons really do heat up to over 800 degrees Celsius and can cause serious burns almost instantly. Hot glue is REALLY hot, and worse, it sticks to you. Large capacitors and batteries can actually burst and burn you (witness Apple’s recent battery recall woes.) It is possible to carve off a finger with a miniature mill if you try hard enough (it would take concerted effort or a truly stupendous moment of neglect, but sanding the tip of your finger off, while much less traumatic , is easier than you might imagine.)

Your first lesson in the lab will be an introduction to all the tools and techniques to use them safely. PAY ATTENTION TO THIS ONE LESSON if no other.

Golden rule #1 Always treat the tools and materials with respect. If they CAN get hot or sharp, or damaging in any way, ALWAYS treat them as if they might be so at all times.

Golden rule #2 This is a working lab with TOOLS that are not TOYS. Do not play with them! Of all the places in the school, this is actually one area where horseplay can literally hurt you or your friends and is simply not tolerated.

2. Fellowship
The people that are most successful in discovering and building cool things are the ones that learn how to best work productively with other people. Learn from each other and support each other in the learning and discovery process. A little bit of extra thought and consideration in how you can each contribute to building a supportive community will go a long way.

Golden Rule #3 Exploratorium Tools and Equipment Must Stay in the Exploratorium. Everyone has a right to use the tools, and that right cannot be exercised if anyone steals a tool. If we want to keep the Exploratorium open, we all need to keep the tools here and in good shape. Professional grade tools are expensive and unlikely to be replaced easily. If the tools vanish, so too will our lab. Free and open access to tools and instruments of this quality is a powerful privilege that will vanish if we fail to protect it.

Golden Rule #4 Keep the Common Experimental Areas Neat and Clean. Research and engineering labs can often tend towards organizational chaos in the throes of invention and discovery, particularly when they are shared. Everyone must clean up after themselves EVERY TIME they use the lab, so plan your time and experiments accordingly. Leave the areas and tools you use either as neat as, or neater than, you found them.

Golden Rule #5 Keep parts and materials freely available, and don’t horde them. One of the great annoyances that arise in trying to build something is to discover that a part you might need is not available. The Exploratorium staff will do its best to ensure that the stock of parts is up to-date, and that we do everything we can to order any unusual parts individuals might request. Only take the parts you really need for your work in this lab, and return unused materials to the organized storage and parts bins. If parts start wandering outside the lab and into private or outside projects, we will have to lock and supervise the parts cabinet, and that will only slow everyone down and cause general frustration.

Golden Rule #6 Contribute to the Exploratorium and its community. Each of you can make a huge difference in how this lab grows and evolves. Do you have otherwise unused parts or tools that you can contribute? Do you know how to use a tool that someone else is struggling with? Do you have an old walkman, CD player or iPod that doesn’t work anymore? Do you have an idea for a cool project or piece of equipment that could make the lab more capable? Bring it on!

3. Intellectual & Creative Freedom
As our society becomes ever more technological and complex, there is a burgeoning need for real creativity and unique and novel solutions to problems with no obvious answers. The question of the day is then, how can we train 21st century leaders (that’s you students, by the way) to be truly creative to the point where they (you) can solve this century’s challenges. One of the most powerful methods is to help you build a community that fosters collaborative creativity and innovation.

True creativity and innovation has rarely sprung forth in a vacuum from isolated genius. Many of history’s greatest ideas started as half-baked conjectures or even hare-brained guesses. It was through discussion and debate and prolonged refinement from many contributors that great human endeavors have advanced. Collaboration and cooperation has been absolutely fundamental to social and technical advance. Learn how to do it productively.

It is often very easy to criticize. While more difficult, supportive and positive brainstorming is MUCH more effective. New ideas, hopes, and dreams, especially in their earliest moments, are fragile things easily killed by a careless word or criticism. Instead of saying something like, “That’s a stupid idea because….,” or “That will never work because you obviously didn’t think of…” or “There is no such thing as a stupid idea, only stupid people…” consider what you might say to refine or improve an idea in a supportive way. Yes, it is much easier to destroy than build. Be a builder.

Golden Rule #7 No Squashing ideas. Instead, help brainstorm around how to improve them.

Golden Rule #8 Keep a record for other innovators, posterity, and your college applications. Every good scientist or engineer keeps a lab book where they can record data, scribble crazy ideas and diagrams and refer to years after the original thought. Whether you do so electronically via a blog (my preferred open-access alternative these days), or on an old-school paper notebook is up to you, but some form of lab book is required. If you don’t want to have to lug it around, you can store it in the lab. You will thank WISE when you win your Nobel or McArthur prizes as they will be worth real money.

4. Your Contract
By signing this document (which you must do to gain access to the lab), you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and internalized the rules and philosophies described in this document, and that you will abide by them. Here is a condensed list for your review right next to your signature.

Golden Rule #1 Always treat the tools and materials with respect.
Golden Rule #2 This is a working lab with TOOLS that are not TOYS. Do not play with them!
Golden Rule #3 Exploratorium Tools and Equipment Must Stay in the Exploratorium.

Golden Rule #4 Keep the Common Experimental Areas Neat and Clean.
Golden Rule #5 Keep parts and materials freely available, and don’t horde them.
Golden Rule #6 Contribute to the Exploratorium and its community.
Golden Rule #7 No Squashing ideas. Instead, help brainstorm around how to improve them.
Golden Rule #8 Keep a record for other innovators, posterity, and your college applications.

Further, you acknowledge that you have attended and understood and internalized the Exploratorium safety class lessons. Lastly, you also understand that by failing to abide by any of these rules, or any other common-sense practices that ensure the safety and productivity of the lab, that you will lose your access rights to the Exploratorium, and may be referred to the Honor Counsel or other school disciplinary bodies as appropriate.

Robotic Insect Starter Projects

Hi all, welcome to the lab. Here are a few projects designed to get you started using the WISE Exploratorium tools while you build up a small robot army from raw electronics parts.

Project #1: Blinky-Bugs
The first project is a quick one to build a Blinky-bug using a small battery and a couple of Light Emitting Diodes. This one will get you started in using a few small hand tools and a soldering iron, and give you some ideas on how to use material properties like flexibility in conducting wires to build motion or touch sensors.

Here is one step-by-step online tutorial that shows you how to build one species of electronic bug. But once you understand how a Blinky-bug works, don't feel in any way constrained by this particular design. Here are a few nice images of some other creative designs from Ken Murphy, but even then, don't just imitate. Create. Browse the web for some real insect images to model. Create entirely alien ones! Innovate!

Project #2: Nocturnal Solar-Charged Insects (Pummers)
This project introduces the transistor electronic switch with solar energy storage and discharge to drive various circuits starting with flashing LEDs, all in order to make robotic insects that collect and store energy when lit, and either flash or move when it is dark.

Here is a link to a wide variety of different nocturnal solar engine circuits to experiment with.

Project #3: Solar Vibrobots

This project introduces a variation of the solar engine from the last project that stores energy until it is full, and then turns on either a motor or some other load like a flashing LED until it is depleted, to then switch back into it's charging mode. The notions around the automatic solar charging and storage circuits are very powerful, and form the foundation of many hybrid and other green technologies.

Here is a link to electronic designs for a wide variety of solar engines, and here is a link to a very nice online step-by-step tutorial by Zach DeBord with some nice inspirational designs.

If you run out of things to do..come find me and let's brainstorm some project ideas.

Also, please feel strongly encouraged to post questions, ideas, useful links and so on in the comments!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

WISE Exploratorium Re-opens for Business

We just re-opened the new Exploratorium lab here at Westminster, and are now in the process of outfitting the beginnings of our working lab for students and faculty. The tables and equipment are being installed as I post this message, and we should be taking in students by this Friday.


Hi all, and welcome to the Westminster Institute for Science Education, where we, and our students, expect to be posting all sorts of interesting projects and articles on current science, math, and technology topics.

Send us your comments and thoughts about how similar projects and facilities are working in your schools and classrooms!